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美国TMZ名人图片报官网 www.tmz.com

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美国TMZ名人图片报是美国在线旗下的一个娱乐新闻网站,全称为Thirty Mile Zone,成立于2005年;专注于洛杉矶名人新闻报道,他们的狗仔队爆料非常热门,很多名人的爆料新闻都是出自该网站。

TMZ是"三十英里区域 Thirty Mile Zone"英文单词第一字母缩写,这区域主要是洛杉矶地区,汇集有很多名人.国内的一些娱乐休闲网站经常从这里获取素材翻译成中文发布在国内的各大网站和论坛上。
The term “Thirty Mile Zone” originated in the 1960s, when due to the growth of location shoots, studios established a “thirty mile zone” to monitor rules for filming in Hollywood. The center of the zone was the offices of The Association of Motion Pictures and Television Producers, formerly at Beverly and La Cienega Boulevards in Los Angeles. TMZ reinvented the thirty mile zone and now serves as the Internet’s premiere address for entertainment news.
Launched in 2005, TMZ’s meteoric rise followed its exclusive on two of the biggest stories in entertainment Mel Gibson's DUI arrest and subsequent encounter with law enforcement, and Michael Richards' ill-fated trip to the Laugh Factory. TMZ also broke the news of the breakup of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline's marriage.
TMZ altered the entertainment news landscape by changing the way the public gets its news. Frequently referenced by various media, TMZ is one of the most-cited entertainment news sources, utilized by national network and local newsgathering organizations across the country.
In 2006, Time magazine named TMZ one of the coolest websites. Newsweek named TMZ the “Breakout Blog of 2007.”

Offers entertainment news, gossip and an inside look at the latest celebrity scandals.


1  美国(64.7%)
2  中国(5.6%)
3  加拿大(4.9%)
4  英国(2.2%)
5  尼日利亚(1.4%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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