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互联网热门文化博客 www.thecoolhunter.net

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Led by founder Bill Tikos, The Cool Hunter celebrates creativity in all of its modern manifestations. Since its inception in 2004 The Cool Hunter has become the world's most-read culture and design site, a leading authority on all things creative and a truly global hub for what's cool, thoughtful, innovative and original. We value global relevance, not trends, channeling our discoveries to our worldwide audience.
The Cool Hunter is a natural fit for its readers - creative influencers who stay in the know and ahead of the curve. Global in outlook, culturally discerning, The Cool Hunter readers are connected, creatively aware, confident, stylish and sociable. They value architecture, design, style, music, fashion and entertainment. They work, play and travel internationally and bring with them distinguished tastes and a demanding appetite for quality information.
The Cool Hunter is not a trend-spotter, trend-watcher or trend predictor. We select and celebrate what is beautiful and enduring from all that is sought-after in architecture, design, gadgets, lifestyle, urban living, fashion, travel and pop culture. We remain relevant by staying ahead of and outside of trends and fads — the fickle shifts in taste and style. The Cool Hunter digs deeper, finding tomorrow's icon

Styles and trends covering genres such as fashion, music, urban living, designer and cultural trends.


1  美国(19.2%)
2  英国(9.9%)
3  意大利(8.2%)
4  澳大利亚(5.3%)
5  加拿大(3.2%)

cool hunting cool hunter coolhunter cool design the cool hunter

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