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潮流猎人趋势资讯网 www.trendhunter.com

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网站中的鞋类专栏,发布了各种新奇、独特、时尚的鞋子设计图片和相关介绍,既包括了可能在大众圈子中流行的趋势, 更推出了大量的小众化设计,能有效激发企业的设计灵感。如提出Wearable Sculpture Shoes 的概念,把鞋子设计成各种形状的雕塑品;列出可以自行组装成不同形状的鞋子零件等。
With 35,000,000 monthly views, .com is the world's largest, most popular trend community. Our head office is based in Toronto, Canada, and we are fueled by a global network of 111,000 members. Trend Hunter, Trend Hunter TV and Trend Hunter PRO feature 179,000 micro-trends and cutting edge ideas.
Each day, Trend Hunter features a daily dose of micro-trends, viral news and pop culture. The most popular micro-trends are featured on Trend Hunter TV and later grouped into clusters of inspiration in our Trend Reports, a series of tools for professional innovators and entrepreneurs.

TREND HUNTER Magazine is a free online magazine dedicated to the obsession of trend spotting, cool hunting and innovation trends.


1  美国(30.0%)
2  印度(7.6%)
3  英国(5.4%)
4  加拿大(4.6%)
5  意大利(2.7%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 密歇根州兰辛市Liquid Web公司

  • 1 男装时尚女孩娱乐汽车英国GQ
  • 2 英国时尚潮流最新消息走秀照片
  • 3 国际建筑交流社区
  • 4 DIOR迪奥官方网站
  • 5 时尚达人资讯网
  • 6 香奈儿
  • 7 茫然
  • 9 工业设计平台
  • 10 建筑设计杂志

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