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操场上的巨人游戏 www.giantitp.com

美国 点击(1933) 全球(14344)

操场上的巨人游戏 直达网站 直达网站


Giant in the Playground is a game and publishing company run by Rich Burlew. The site hosts two popular webcomics Burlew s own the Order of the Stick, and Erfworld by Rob Balder and Jamie Noguchi. The Order of the Stick is a fantasy role playing oriented strip, and Erfworld is rooted in turn-based strategy games. Both comics are full-color, full-page format and alternate updates 5 days a week.

内容提要: I have been informed by the half-mad sorcerers who maintain the shrieking rituals necessary to wrench the accursed we...



Giant In the Playground Games


1  美国(57.8%)
2  英国(7.9%)
3  加拿大(5.6%)
4  澳大利亚(4.1%)
5  荷兰(2.5%)

order of the stick oots gitp the order of the stick warlock 5e

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加州

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