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美国Dwell创意家居杂志 www.dwell.com

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展示现代居住风格的Dwell杂志越来越多的受到年轻读者的宠爱,该杂志仅仅创办了六年,就已经拥有了超过 300,000 名读者,包括建筑师、设计师、营造商、以及对设计精通的消费群体。
杂志创办人 Lara Hedberg Deam 认为人们想要看到一些对现代住宅设计睿智但易于理解的想法,探讨这种设计如何符合我们的文化,并能够很好地融入他们的生活。Dwell正是这样向读者细致地展示现代化住宅的设计理念,但更关注设计并居住在住宅里的人。Dwell认为,好的设计是现实生活的组成部分。
Generally, in magazines concerned with the design of homes, fruit bowls abound. High-priced photo stylists spend hours arranging them. You see them in photographs of kitchens and living rooms. Often there's a bowl of unblemished green apples on the bathroom vanity or a bowl of pomegranates in the bedroom. The fruit bowl is sometimes accompanied by a vase of tulips, glistening with spray-on dew, and precious little else. No quart of milk. No crumpled bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies with only half of one cookie left at the bottom. No dish of Meow Mix on the floor. In short, no signs of life.

At Dwell, we're staging a minor revolution. We think that it's possible to live in a house or apartment by a bold modern architect, to own furniture and products that are exceptionally well designed, and still be a regular human being. We think that good design is an integral part of real life. And that real life has been conspicuous by its absence in most design and arc

An architecture and design blog maintained by the Dwell magazines editorial staff.


1  美国(52.3%)
2  日本(7.2%)
3  加拿大(4.1%)
4  英国(3.0%)
5  法国(2.2%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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